Monday 17 December 2018

Venom 2018

TV investigative journalist Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) is working on an exposé of scientist Carlton Drake (Riz Ahmed), who is using San Francisco’s homeless as guinea pigs to bond humans with aliens. Sneaking into Drake’s lab, Eddie’s body merges with symbiote Venom who gives him super-strength, a deep inner voice and a huge appetite.

Sunday 16 December 2018

zombie movie 2018-THE NIGHT EATS THE WORLD-

the night eats the world is a 2018 french zombie movie
here is the plot of the movie
Sam, a musician living in Paris, visits his ex-girlfriend, Fanny, to recover music tapes left in her possession. Fanny is holding a party and brushes Sam off multiple times. Fanny's new boyfriend tells Sam to leave and pushes him. Fanny tells her new boyfriend to leave Sam alone and tells Sam where he can find his tapes, and that she would like to talk to him later. On his way to get the tapes, Sam is accidentally bumped into by a random partygoer who is not watching where he is going. He makes his way to the end of the hallway to the room with the tapes. Once there, his nose starts to bleed from the collision with the partygoer. Sam finds some tissue to stop the bleeding. As he sits down and tilts his head back, he passes out. Perhaps due to the stress of the day and the nosebleed, or from him drinking as he waited for Fanny. Sounds of chaos erupt outside the door of the office, but Sam sleeps through it.
Awakening the next morning, Sam leaves the office to find the flat trashed, with blood stains on the walls and no one inside. He ventures into the stairway and discovers a zombified Fanny who charges at him when he calls her name. Locking himself in her flat, he witnesses through the windows the deaths of a family from the apartment across the street, who attempt to escape in their car. The flat, which is several stories up, is the only safe location Sam can find. The zombies have seemingly taken over all of Paris, are very fast moving, and respond in hordes to any sight or sound. They are also completely silent, making almost no noise and never vocalizing, making ambushes likely and it difficult to detect where they are.
Unable to leave the flat, Sam begins cleaning up until a shotgun blast erupts through the floor. Looking through the hole, he discovers the residents below committed suicide rather than face what was outside. Climbing through, he retrieves the shotgun. Venturing outside, Sam finds the zombies in the stairway gone, having departed after hearing people outside. He quickly closes the doors to the building and manages to seal himself inside.
Sam begins exploring the building's flats one by one. He finds most empty, but boards up the lowest with a family of zombies inside. He finds one other zombie inside the building's elevator, but it is a feeble, elderly man. Unable to kill him, Sam binds the gate to the lift up and begins conversing one sidedly with the zombie, whose name he learns is Alfred, for companionship.
Sam successfully raids the building for a large quantity of supplies. He rations these and discovers musical equipment in one room, which he uses to entertain himself. As time passes, Sam becomes increasingly lonely and unhinged. Desperate for company, he is nearly killed attempting to capture a stray cat wandering aimlessly among the undead, which don't seem to notice it. Enraged after it nearly gets him killed in the street, Sam shoots the cat from the window. Fearing he was bitten while trying to get the cat, Sam nearly kills himself a second time when he falls asleep with the shotgun placed beneath his head while waiting to see if he'd turn.
Sam begins having nightmares about the zombies managing to get in, but settles into a daily routine. As winter approaches, he is forced to contend with a lack of heat, and the water to the flat stops working. Surviving by collecting rain water and managing to create a fireplace, Sam's mental state continues to decline despite his best efforts. He notices one day that seemingly all the undead have left the streets. After wandering outside, Sam tests how far away they are by playing a drum set he found loudly while blasting music. The undead return in hordes and nearly manage to climb into the flat by piling atop one another. An enraged Sam continues to play despite the danger, his mind beginning to snap.
That night, Sam hears noises inside the flat and becomes alarmed. Hearing movement outside his bedroom door, Sam unloads the shotgun into the next room through the door. He hears cries of pain and realizes he shot another person that had managed to get inside the building. He attempts emergency medical aid and finds the woman's bag, which has a large amount of rope and a grapnel hook she uses to go from rooftop to rooftop.
The next morning, Sam speaks with the woman and she says her name is Sarah. She "meets" Alfred in the stairway, but her reaction is bizarre. She heads to the roof and accuses Sam of being too afraid to leave and says he'll die if he doesn't, or go mad from the isolation and repetition. Sam at first brushes her off, but eventually relents. He retrieves supplies from the lowest flat and kills the zombified occupants after finding his supplies diminished. Heading back to his bedroom, he realizes that he is hallucinating. Heading into the room, he discovers "Sarah" is actually dead from the gunshot wound he inflicted through the door; his attempts at saving her failed. Recognizing that his conversations with "Sarah" were self reflective, he mourns her loss and his mistake by covering her body and giving her a eulogy with candles. Discovering her camera in her bag, Sam finds pictures of a family the woman had before the outbreak, and pictures of a zombie outside their house.
Sam decides to leave the apartment, burning the tapes he originally came for and releasing Alfred, who wanders into a nearby flat, where Sam locks him away. A fire alarm goes off due to Sam burning the tapes, and zombies attack the building. Due to the amount of noise, more and more come until the doors collapse and the zombies rush inside. Sam runs and hides and manages to get to the roof. Once there, he swings across the street to the next building, where he climbs to the rooftop and stares out into the seemingly endless skyline of Paris.

Saturday 30 September 2017

venom...a very scary movie...plot

The story opens with a Creole woman digging up a small briefcase from the ground in the pouring rain. She then proceeds to get in her car and drives down the Louisiana road. Meanwhile, at a local burger joint, high school senior, Eden (Agnes Bruckner), is working with her best friends, Rachel (Laura Ramsey) and CeCe (Meagan Good) while the rest of her friends hang around the place. Ricky (Pawel Szajda) is aimlessly flirting with Patty (Davetta Sherwood) and Tammy (Bijou Phillips) by giving them alcohol. Eric (Jonathan Jackson) and Sean (D. J. Cotrona) talk about important matters until Ray Sawyer (Rick Cramer) pulls up in his tow truck. Everyone stares and whisper rumors about him while Ray picks his order up. Ray is Sean's biological father. After he leaves, Rachel says how much he scares her, while Tammy flashes Ray while he eats in his truck. After work, Eden begins to bike home alone, but Eric catches up to her to talk to her about going to college in New York. While they were talking, Ray drives up and asks if Eden's alright. When he is sure, he begins to leave when another car, carrying the Creole woman from the beginning of the film - who is CeCe's grandmother - passes by. CeCe's grandmother's car falls halfway off the bridge. Ray gets out of the truck and helps Eric save the woman. Ray saves her, but the woman begs Ray to get the suitcase. As Ray reaches into her car to get it, the suitcase lid flies open as the car falls off of the bridge and begins to sink into the water below. Upon opening, the suitcase releases several horrifying snakes. As the car sinks into the bayou the snakes attack Ray. The ambulance arrives to find Ray dead along with CeCe's grandmother. CeCe arrives shaken up over the tragedy, and takes a charm that was on her grandmother's corpse. CeCe then surprises Eden and Eric by questioning them about the condition of Ray's body.
The same night at the coroner's office, the coroner examines Ray's dead body apparently having been bitten by venomous snakes – presumed to be water snakes. The coroner leaves the area and comes back to see Ray's body missing and then he is killed by Ray's possessed body. Deputy Turner is also killed while returning Ray's tow truck to the shop. The next day Eden is still recuperating from the night before. She visits her father's grave in the cemetery, and sees Ray's tow truck driving by. Rachel and her boyfriend, Sean, are at the lake, with Sean showing little emotion to Ray's death. He drank heavily leading to him ditching Rachel with Eden and having Eric chase after him. Meanwhile, Tammy and Patty are planning to go to the mall to shoplift and they come across Ray's towing business. Patty goes to pee, while Tammy fixes the tires. When she is done, Tammy goes to look for Patty, only to find her impaled by battery clamps attached to chains leaving her to hang. Tammy tries to escape but Ray traps her in the garage and crushes her torso with a lowered car and then sandblasts her face off with a blasting pump.
As Eric follows Sean to Ray's garage, Sean begins to show anger at Ray's death for his abandonment. Sean enters the area to find a picture of him when he was a little kid – showing that Ray did care about him. Sean storms out toward the garage and finds the remains of Tammy strewn around the floor. The night leads to Eden going to CeCe's grandmothers house, where she has a plethora of voodoo materials. CeCe then tells her that the snakes that killed Ray were full of the evil that her grandmother took out of men to purify their souls. Ricky, Rachel, Sean, and Eric arrive at CeCe's and find out what is going on. They try to escape town but their car is turned on its side preventing anyone from leaving the bayou. The kids all see Ray and begin to run and Ricky is caught by Ray when his leg is pinned to the stairs by a crowbar. His arm is then ripped off, causing him to bleed to death. Ray cannot enter the house because the house has been blessed with voodoo spells.
As the others panic inside, they look and it seems as if Ray is gone. Ray throws a chain through a window and winds it around Sean's neck, then drags him outside, while Eden grabs a rifle from the bedroom. Ray slashes Sean's face with his crowbar and then impales him through the chest. Eden and Eric shoot Ray with the rifle to buy them time to drag Sean inside and try in vain to stop the bleeding, but he dies on the floor. Rachel cries over the loss of her boyfriend, while Eden talks CeCe into turning Sean's body into a human voodoo doll to control Ray. Meanwhile, Ray hooks the towing hook to the foundation of the house and pulls a whole room off the house, dragging Eric and Rachel with it. Eric and Rachel run to get back inside, while CeCe finishes the spell, despite her leg being crushed by a support beam.
Ray begins to climb the wreckage toward CeCe, but CeCe stabs Sean's body several times to slow Ray down in his advance. Ray finally reaches her and takes the knife from CeCe to slash her throat, while Eden, Eric and Rachel leave. As the remaining three try to escape, Ray follows in his truck and pulls beside them. He tosses a chain around Rachel's neck and drags her halfway out of the car, but Eden grabs hold of her legs. As both cars are accelerating, Rachel screams and is impaled on a dead log. Eric and Eden then try to pass through the swamp to escape Ray, who dives beneath the murky water. As Eric and Eden head for dry land, Ray attacks, missing them both, but separating them. Eden ends up in the graveyard, and Eric deeper in the swamp. Eden makes her way into a crypt where she finds an altar and an open casket where all the victims are kept. Eden tries to leave but Ray comes and locks her in. In panic, Eden hides beneath Patty's body. Eric is then thrown into the crypt by Ray, who then goes to the altar. Eden starts to cry until Eric opens his eyes.
Eden can not hide her gasp, unknowingly drawing Ray's attention. As Ray looks in to inspect the bodies, he grabs Eden's foot, but Eric begins to groan to protect Eden. Ray then stabs Eric in the head with a screwdriver. Eden then fights Ray by setting him on fire and pushing him down a chute, but he drags her with him. She then uses a charm she got from CeCe that protects against evil. Ray submits, but the snakes possessing his body emerge to try to take the charm from her. Eden escapes up the chute, using the charm as a diversion. Eden then traps Ray and the snakes in the chute. As she tries to drive off in his tow truck, she hears an inhuman shriek, signaling Ray is back. Ray chases Eden out of the truck before she can do anything and she runs to hide in the bayou. She hides behind a bush close to Ray. He hears a rustling and hacks the bush, revealing she is not there. Just then the tow truck emerges through the underbrush and crushes Ray in half against a tree, killing him. Eden then staggers off into the trees, and the two snakes can be seen crawling out of Ray's decomposing torso to find another host.

old horror movie 1990 it...plot

In DerryMaine, in 1960, Bill Denbrough gives his younger brother Georgie a paper sailboat to take the boat out onto the street to sail in the gutter. But Georgie is unable to stop it from sailing down the storm drain, peering in to see a strange clown who introduces himself as Pennywise. Pennywise then entices Georgie to reach into the drain to retrieve his boat, killing the boy while ripping his arm off. Months later, during the spring semester at their school, Bill befriends the overweight and nerdy new kid Ben Hanscom, asthmatic Eddie Kaspbrak who lives with his overbearing mother, Beverly Marsh who lives with her abusive father, comical Richie Tozier, and Jewish Boy Scout, Stanley Uris. Besides being tormented by a gang of local bullies led by Henry Bowers, the group each had disturbing encounters with Pennywise. During one afternoon after school, Bill and his friends encounter African-American outcast Mike Hanlon being pursued by Henry's gang. They chase the bullies off with rocks and befriend Mike, Henry vowing to kill them all. The group, calling themselves "The Losers Club", come to realize that they are each being terrorized by the same entity. Noticing that "It" assumes the appearance of what they fear, they deduce Pennywise is a monster that surfaces every 30 years in Derry to feed on the town's children before returning to hibernation again.
The Losers decide to venture into the sewers under Derry to kill It, followed by Henry and his friends, Victor Criss and Belch Huggins, intent on killing them. But It kills Victor, who had separated to set an ambush on the Losers, and Belch, who helps Henry separate Stan from the others, sparing a horrified Henry while chasing Stan as he regroups with the Losers. But Pennywise grabs Stan, only for the Losers to use It's ability to access their imaginations against him when Eddie uses his aspirator to melt the clown's face while Beverly smashes a hole in the clown's head using one of the two silver projectiles. Pennywise evades the second and escapes down a drain, seemingly dying as the Losers assumed. But Bill makes the others promise to return and kill It should the creature resurface 30 years later. Henry, his hair whitened while having lost his mind from seeing It's Deadlights, later emerged from the sewers and is institutionalized when he takes credit for murdering It's victims.
In 1990, now the town librarian, Mike is investigating the string of missing children and killings as he arrived to the crime scene of a murdered girl named Laurie Anne Winterbarger. Finding Georgie's picture convinces Mike that It is back as he proceeds to connect the others to fulfill their vow. Bill became a horror novelist married to British actress Audra Phillips, Ben is an architect, Beverly is a fashion designer abused by her lover Tom Rogan, Richie is a late night TV comedian, Eddie runs a limousine service but still lives with his mother, and Stan is a real estate broker. Prior to Mike's phone calls, the other Losers had completely forgotten each other along with their childhood traumas and memories of It. While the other five reluctantly agree to come, a fear-stricken Stan slits his wrists in his bathtub and writes "IT" on the wall in his own blood.
The remaining six find themselves harassed by Pennywise once reaching Derry as they eventually meet at dinner, learning of Stan's suicide shortly after while Mike reminds them of what It is. Two other people also converging on the town: an older Henry who Pennywise freed to kill the Losers, and a worried Audra who ends up being abducted by It while exposed to the creature's Deadlights. Mike is hospitalized by Henry before he is killed by his own knife during a scuffle with the other Losers. After Mike gives Bill the two pieces of silver he retrieved from the sewers, the five remaining Losers decide to destroy It for good. They descend into the sewers once again, Bill learning Audra is being held while overcoming It's attempt to induce further guilt. The Losers eventually reach It's inner sanctum, finding both a catatonic Audra and It's true form as a giant spider. Bill, Ben, and Richie nearly get lost in It’s Deadlights when Eddie is killed attempting to save his friends, as Beverly mortally wounds It with her slingshot. It limps away, but the surviving Losers pursue and knock the creature down and rip its heart out. They remove the comatose Audra and Eddie's body from the sewers, burying him in Derry's cemetery.
With It finally dead, the Losers go their separate ways and move on with their lives as their memories of It fade away. A recovered Mike also has his memories begin to fade as he considers starting a new life elsewhere. Richie is cast in a film with an actor resembling Eddie, while Beverly and Ben are married and expecting their first child. Bill is the last to leave Derry, using his last hour in town to coax Audra out of her catatonia by giving her a ride on his childhood bicycle Silver.

it...scary drama...1990...plot

It is a 1990 American supernatural horror drama mini-series directed by Tommy Lee Wallace and adapted by Lawrence D. Cohen from the Stephen King novel of the same name.
The story revolves around a predatory shapeshifter which has the ability to transform itself into its prey's worst fears, allowing it to exploit the phobias of its victims. It mostly takes the form of a sadistic, wisecracking clown called Pennywise played by Tim Curry. The protagonists are The Lucky Seven, or The Losers Club, a group of outcast kids who discover Pennywise and vow to destroy him by any means necessary. The series takes place over two different time periods, the first when the Losers first confront Pennywise as children in 1960, and the second when they return as adults in 1990 to defeat him a second time after he resurfaces.
It features an ensemble cast, starring Richard ThomasJohn RitterAnnette O'TooleHarry AndersonDennis ChristopherTim Reid, and Richard Masur as the seven members of the Losers Club, and Tim Curry as Pennywise. The child counterparts of the Losers that appear in part one are played by Jonathan BrandisSeth GreenEmily Perkins, Brandon Crane, Adam Faraizl, Marlon Taylor, and Ben Heller. Michael Cole, Jarred Blancard, Gabe Khouth, Chris Eastman, Olivia HusseyFrank C. TurnerTony Dakota, Ryan Michael, Tom Heaton, and Chelan Simmons also play supporting roles.
Originally conceived as a four-part eight-hour series, ABC enlisted writer Lawrence D. Cohen to adapt the 1,138-page King novel. Cohen's script condensed the source work into a two-part, three-hour mini-series that retained the core elements of the novel, but Cohen was forced to abandon numerous subplots by virtue of the novel's length and the network's time-slot restrictions. Production on It began in early 1990, and the series was filmed over a period of three months in New Westminster, British Columbia in mid-1990.
It aired on ABC over two nights on November 18 and 20, 1990, attracting 30 million viewers in its premiere. 

it........scary pics


In October 1988, stuttering teenager Bill Denbrough gives his seven-year-old brother, Georgie, a paper sailboat. Georgie sails the boat along the rainy streets of small town Derry, and is disappointed when it falls down a storm drain. As he attempts to retrieve it Georgie sees a clown in the sewer, who introduces himself as "Pennywise the Dancing Clown". The clown entices Georgie to come closer, then severs his arm and drags him into the sewer.
The following summer, Bill and his friends (loudmouth Richie Tozier, hypochondriac Eddie Kaspbrak, and timid Stan Uris) run afoul of bully Henry Bowers and his gang. Bill, still haunted by Georgie's disappearance and the resulting neglect from his grief-stricken parents, discovers that his brother's body may have washed up in a marshy wasteland called the Barrens. He recruits his friends to check it out, believing his brother may still be alive.
"New kid" Ben Hanscom learns that the town has been plagued by unexplained tragedies and child disappearances for centuries. He is targeted by Bowers' gang for being fat, after which he flees into the Barrens and meets Bill's group. They find the sneaker of a missing girl, while a member of the pursuing Bowers Gang is killed by Pennywise.
Beverly Marsh, a girl ostracized over rumors of promiscuity, also joins the group; both Bill and Ben develop feelings for her. Later, the group befriends African American homeschool student Mike Hanlon after defending him from Bowers. All the while each member of the group has encountered terrifying phenomena in various forms; these include a menacing clown, a headless boy, a fountain of blood, a diseased and rotting man, a creepy painting come to life, people burning alive, and a phantom Georgie.
Now calling themselves "The Losers Club", they realize they are all being terrorized by the same entity. They determine that Pennywise (or "It") assumes the appearance of what they fear, awakens every 27 years to feed on the children of Derry before returning to hibernation, and moves about by using sewer lines – which all lead to a well currently under the creepy, abandoned house at 29 Neibolt Street. After an attack by Pennywise, the group ventures to the house to confront him, only to be separated and terrorized. Eddie breaks his arm, while Pennywise gloats to Bill about Georgie. As they regroup Beverly impales Pennywise through the head, forcing the clown to retreat. However, after the encounter the group begins to splinter, with only Bill and Beverly resolute in fighting It.
Weeks later, after Beverly confronts and incapacitates her sexually abusive father, she is abducted by Pennywise. The Losers Club reassembles and travels back to the Neibolt house to rescue her. Henry Bowers, who has killed his father after being compelled into madness by It, attacks the group. Mike fights back and pushes Bowers down the well to his apparent death. The Losers descend into the sewers and find It's underground lair, which contains a mountain of decayed circus props and children's belongings, around which the bodies of missing children float in mid-air. Beverly, now catatonic after being exposed to It's true form, is restored to consciousness as Ben kisses her. Bill encounters Georgie, but recognizes that he's Pennywise in disguise. Pennywise attacks the group and takes Bill hostage, offering to spare the others if they let It keep Bill. The Losers reject this and reaffirm their friendship, overcoming their various fears. After a brutal battle they defeat Pennywise and he retreats, with Bill declaring that It will starve during its hibernation. Their victory is bittersweet, as Bill finally accepts his brother's death and is comforted by his friends.
As summer ends, Beverly informs the group of a vision she had while catatonic, where she saw them fighting the creature as adults. The Losers swear a blood oath that they will return to Derry as adults if It returns, destroying the creature once and for all. Stanley, Eddie, Richie, Mike, and Ben make their goodbyes as the group disperses. Beverly tells Bill she is leaving town the next day to live with her aunt. Before she leaves, Bill reveals his feelings and they kiss.